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CoQ10’s Anti-Aging Superpowers

CoQ10 is often associated with its ability to improve cardiovascular health. However, this enzyme, also known as ubiquinone, offers benefits at the cellular level, from mitochondrial support to antioxidant function, and has even been shown to improve some visible signs of aging.

Where Does CoQ10 Come From?

CoQ10 naturally occurs in our cell membranes and is produced by the body; however, the levels of this antioxidant usually decline as we age. The highest concentrations of CoQ10 are found in the heart, liver, brain, lungs, and kidneys. Conditions like cardiovascular disease or taking medications like statins can also affect adequate CoQ10 levels. 

While there are many food sources of Coenzyme Q10, such as beef, poultry, fish, nuts, and some fruits and vegetables, getting enough CoQ10 from diet alone may prove challenging. Among animal foods, pork heart, chicken liver, and beef heart have the highest concentrations of CoQ10, but if organ meats are not appealing, sirloin cuts of beef have the next highest CoQ10 levels. Herring and Mackerel are some fish with high concentrations of CoQ10. Plant-based foods such as soybeans, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and parsley offer some CoQ10, while fruits such as avocado, black currants, and strawberries have the highest CoQ10 among fruits. Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Peanut oil are among the best CoQ10 sources. 


Anti-aging at the Cellular Level 

While many people are familiar with Coenzyme Q10 as a cardiovascular health supplement, it also acts as an antioxidant in the body. CoQ10 benefits us at the cellular level, assisting in the creation of ATP within the mitochondria, also known as the powerhouses of our cells. Enhancing the process of ATP synthesis increases our cellular energy and protects our cells from oxidative damage from free radicals. 

Oxidative stress is a significant contributor to the aging process, as we are bombarded in today’s society by free radicals in the environmental and industrial toxins and choices we make with diet and lifestyle. While many of these factors are unavoidable, we can minimize the aging effects of toxic exposures by using certain anti-aging products or specific supplements. The Age Well System contains Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, a powerhouse for preventing oxidative stress and cellular aging. 

randomized study showed that oral supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 can significantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin smoothness and viscoelasticity. The anti-aging benefits of CoQ10 extend from the inside out, and there is more research needed to determine further protective benefits of CoQ10.  

How Much CoQ10 Do I Need?

The normal range for CoQ10 in the blood is 0.4-1.91 mg/L, and this is typically checked via a blood test; however, saliva or cellular testing is also available. The Age Well System includes 200 mg of CoQ10 as ubiquinone, the oxidized form of CoQ10. This form is easily converted for use in the body. By supplementing daily with CoQ10, one may increase antioxidant activity and energy production, slowing the effects of aging. 

Supplementation using systems such as the Age Well System can help increase CoQ10 in the body. Stage 1 contains 200 mg of CoQ10 as ubiquinone.

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