The old saying goes, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” or is that false? Current research shows that the brain can be rewired, at any age, due to something known as neuroplasticity. In the study of neuroplasticity and aging, scientists are finding that there is still a lot to be discovered.
What is Neuroplasticity?
While some medical professionals define neuroplasticity in different terms, the definitions all describe how our brain essentially can change, grow, heal, and learn. Recently, researchers found that our brain’s neuroplasticity isn’t just something that exists in childhood years, but neurological connections and pathways are changeable and have the capacity to grow even in the older years.
Neuroplasticity relates to our brain’s functions, including learning, memory, sensory processing, motor processing, and emotional regulation. Neuroplasticity allows us to learn new things and also to adapt to and heal from injury and disease. By cultivating a focus on strategies to increase neuroplasticity and brain health, one can enhance their quality of life while getting older.
How to Increase Neuroplasticity?
While we have the capacity for neuroplasticity, we have to put our brains to work to reap the benefits. There are three main factors to consider when thinking about brain health; they are environment, genetics, and hormones.
Positive relationships, healthy sleep habits, and activities such as exercise create a positive environment for brain health.
We might not have complete control over our genetics. However, through the field of epigenetics, it appears we can influence the way certain genes are expressed as we age.
It is also inevitable that our hormones will fluctuate as we get older. There are a variety of steps we can take from supplementation to medication, when necessary, to regulate and balance that as well.
Paying special attention to the environment domain, including socialization, sleep, and exercise, will increase neuroplasticity. This helps you and your brain to age in a positive, healthy way.
Supplemental Support for Increasing Nueroplasticity
While there are a variety of exercises and activities one can partake in to increase neuroplasticity, the Stay Sharp System offers a wide range of neuroprotective substances, such as herbs, antioxidants, compounds, nootropics, vitamins, and minerals that promote brain health, increase nervous system regulation, and improve memory and learning. A few of these include:
- GABA has neuroprotective benefits that promote neuroplasticity. Stroke patients recover more quickly with the help of GABA.
- L-Glutamine HCL works with GABA to support brain recovery from injury or illness.
- Bacopa Monnieri also provides neuroprotective benefits. It been used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease progression. While it is not a cure, it does slow down the manifestation of memory loss symptoms.
- Bilberry Extract helps to reduce free radicals in the brain, which can lead to premature aging. The aging brain’s memory and learning can benefit from Bilberry Extract.
- Choline offers neuroprotective benefits and specifically was shown to increase neuroplasticity in stroke survivors. This nutrient is essential to brain health.
The Stay Sharp System will contribute to an increase in neuroplasticity, through proven brain-power ingredients. It can also contribute to genetics optimization and hormone balancing. This supplement can support your brain health efforts in a variety of ways.