Magnesium is known for being an essential element for health and well-being. It comes in many forms, and the magnesium benefits range from digestion support to neurological enhancements. Many people are deficient in magnesium, however, it is available in many common foods as well as in supplemental forms.
What is Magnesium?
We need magnesium for about 300 body processes and reactions. Around two-thirds of adults in the Western world are estimated to be deficient in this macromineral. Low magnesium levels can lead to a variety of health concerns. Often, magnesium supplementation is used to treat a wide range of conditions, from sleeplessness to sore muscles, to more intensive or acute cardiovascular emergencies.
Magnesium is a generally safe supplement with very few side effects or risks. There are many magnesium benefits, and its many forms offer more specific applications and uses. Most adults need 320-420 milligrams of magnesium per day from food. If this is challenging, finding the right Magnesium supplement might help. Many forms of Magnesium are available to be purchased. It is available in powders, capsules, bath soaks, lotions, sprays, and more.
Do I Need More Magnesium?
Doctors can test your Magnesium levels to determine if you have adequate levels or a deficiency. They can use various tests, such as blood plasma or urine, to establish magnesium levels. Based on test results, medical professionals can recommend magnesium forms that are best suited to address the symptoms.
If you have low magnesium levels, you might experience muscle cramping or involuntary twitching. Someone with a magnesium deficiency might also experience anxiety or other mental health challenges. High blood pressure isanother symptom of insufficient magnesium. Low magnesium is also associated with osteoporosis general fatigue and muscle weakness.

What are Some Common Magnesium Forms?
Magnesium comes in many forms, usually bonding with one or more other molecules or particles. However, some of these forms contain a higher concentration of magnesium than others. Absorption rates are different based on the composition and concentration of magnesium in each form.
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium bonds to citric acid molecules to make Magnesium Citrate. It is considered one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium, meaning it is very easy for the body to absorb, and found in many health and wellness supplements. The Stage 1 Stress Support System in the Well Being Product Line contains Magnesium Citrate.
Magnesium Chloride
Magnesium combines with chlorine molecules to form Magnesium Chloride. This is the form of magnesium found in salt water in oceans and lakes. It can usually be purchased as flakes for bath soaks or in capsule form. Magnesium Chloride will absorb into the body through the skin while bathing and can help increase magnesium levels. It is also available in capsule form.
Magnesium Glycinate
The amino acid glycine and magnesium combine to create Magnesium Glycinate. Glycine acts as a sleep aid and neurological booster. Research shows Magnesium Glycinate positively affects mood and sleep. Although more research is needed, some evidence also suggests it can help with headaches.
Magnesium Hydroxide
Milk of Magnesia is a common name for this form of Magnesium. Magnesium, hydrogen, and oxygen combine in this form. Constipation or other digestive upsets such as heartburn can be relieved by taking this magnesium form. Magnesium Hydroxide contains 61% elemental magnesium, which is the highest concentration of any of the magnesium forms.
Magnesium Lactate
Lactic acid combines with Magnesium to form Magnesium Lactate. Our muscles naturally produce lactic acid. The body can easily absorb this magnesium form. Magnesium Lactate helps to relieve pregnancy leg cramps and relief during menstrual cycle.
Magnesium L-threonate
Threonic Acid bonds with magnesium to form Magnesium L-threonate. This magnesium form is easily absorbed into the brain and may have other neurological benefits, though more research is needed.
Magnesium Malate
Malic Acid and Magnesium come together to make Magnesium Malate. Studies have shown this magnesium form to be highly bioavailable, or better absorption than others.
Magnesium Orotate
Orotic acid bonds to Magnesium in this form. Orotic Acid is a type of genetic material that helps with cell delivery. Magnesium Orotate is easily absorbed. It may also enhance heart health.
Magnesium Oxide
Oxygen and magnesium combine to form Magnesium Oxide. It is an effective treatment for constipation, indigestion, and headaches.
Magnesium Sulfate
The commonly used name for this form of Magnesium is Epsom Salts. It is a combination of Magnesium, Sulfur, and Oxygen.
Magnesium Taurate
A combination of Taurine and Magnesium makes up this form of Magnesium. Taurine and Magnesium both helpregulate blood sugar in patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Magnesium Taurate also protects against cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

Magnesium Food Sources
Many readily available foods contain magnesium. Legumes, such as black beans and edamame, have high magnesium content. Spinach, kale, and avocado offer the highest levels of magnesium among vegetables. Nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, and cashews contain magnesium as well. Whole wheat products, especially oatmeal, are also excellent sources of magnesium. Dark chocolate also boasts a considerable magnesium content.
While some people may be able to reach their target intake through diet, many people use supplementation to maintain adequate magnesium levels. Depending on health and wellness goals, someone might choose singular or multiple forms of magnesium.

Magnesium in Bu Renewed
Both the Bu Renewed Well Being System and Stay Sharp System contain Magnesium, which makes supplementation convenient.
The Well Being System assists with stress management, anxiety reduction, and better sleep. Stage 1 Stress Support Complex contains 25 milligrams of Magnesium Oxide and provides 6% of the recommended daily value. Stage 2 Sleep Support Complex includes 13 mg of Magnesium Citrate, providing an additional 3% daily value.
The Stay Sharp System supports memory, cognition, and mood. Stage 1 Neuro Complex has 50 milligrams of Magnesium Oxide, which is 13% of the recommended daily intake.
Magnesium is a vital part of the body’s optimal functioning. Finding a magnesium supplement that is right for you can help you age well.